Kapesni Slovnik Ucitel

Well, after some time i finished another software for PocketPC , it is available only in czech version, because it is add-on for Czech dictionary by Peak. It works like today screen plugin, more and download here.

Many of you recognized STUPID forum posts from spammers. So you can expect in upcoming weeks release of new site with new forum and removing of all unwelcome posts. The site will be based on PHP-Nuke and phpbb forum. But this will be brand new release with many improvements, much more speed, more security and more features. The login will be based on phpbb and will remove many bugs and "wrong features" of PHP-Nuke. Of course it will be open source. So stay tuned!

This article comes from Mike Crash Homepage
Date: Thu 08.Jun.2006, 23:00
Topic: Software

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