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Fri 14.Feb.2025, 5:58

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· ATV2000
· AFM2000
· ARC2000
· APL2000
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· phpBB-nuke
· GNOME Optical Tools
· KiCAD Part Manager

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TV Freak

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page views since 2007-08-05

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Downloads Main Categories

· AFM2000 
FM radio software
Plugins, Skins
    · APL2000 
Advanced player with many additional features.
· ARC2000 
Remote control and sheduler with HTTP access with any web browser.
Plugins, Remotes
    · ATV2000 
Download ATV2000 and all add-ons like skins, containers, filters etc.
Audio filters, Containers, Skins, Video filters
· ATV3 
Digital TV (DVB-T) viewer.
    · Calculator Plus 
Why to use standard Windows calculator, when there is a free scientific alternative with graphic support. Best choise for programmers and developers.
· Linux 
Software for Linux.
    · PocketPC 
I joined to people with this fantastic device, my personal calendar, contacts database, map navigator, translator, book reader, editor, games console, media player, ... But some programs are missing for me, so i decided to write some.
· Sony Vegas Plugins 
Plugins for nonlinear video editing software from Sony, previously Sonic Foundry.
    · Zzz... and other projects 
All other projects not fitting to previous categories
Discontinued projects
There are 73 Downloads and 20 Categories in our database
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» Last downloads
KiCAD Part Manager 0.1
·Part manager for KiCAD electronic design suite. It is database of...
GNOME Optical Tools (Debian AMD64 package) 0.1.0
·Debian package for AMD64 system of GNOME Optical Tools.
GNOME Optical Tools (source code) 0.1.0
·Source code for GNOME Optical Tools.
·TV viewing and capture application for analog tuners using VfW or...
ATV3 beta
·TV viewer for digital DVB-T - preview release. Implemented main v...

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